Monthly Archives: March 2020

Let’s Study Together!

What does an owl have in common with studying? Guess and compare with our answers below.

There is a phrase in English “as wise as an owl”. Therefore, an owl is a symbol of wisdom.
An owl also refers to someone who works (studies) better in the evening or night.

Giraffe in the Big City

“When the Statue of Liberty looked straight ahead, there was some disbelief in her eyes and her right arm holding the torch dropped a few inches down. There … in front of her … was
an animal’s face supported by a long neck. An animal, which in the dim light of the torch,
she could not recognize. She looked up and was relieved to find all of her seven spikes still resting on the crown …”
How come that Giraffe could look Lady Liberty straight in the eye? Find out reading the rest
of the story. Giraffe invites you to the shop.

Middle-Sized Lamb at the End of the World

Have you ever visited the end of the world? Do you know what it looks like? Is there a big billboard there with the inscription: THE END OF THE WORLD ? Or a fence? And what can you see behind the billboard or the fence?
Well, Middle-Sized Lamb has been there. How did she get there?
This is how it all started:
“Hippo was beginning toget worried. There was no news from Middle-Sized Lamb and Hippo regretted that he had bowed to her tearful requests and let her use his Mini Hipper to fly to the end of the world.”
Was it a joyful trip? Find out – more news in the shop.

Hippo on the Moon

“One day Hippo decided to go to Mars. So he put on his spacesuit, which he had been keeping for that special occasion in the garden shed, and went back to the kitchen where Hippa was doing some cleaning.”
Did Hippo mix something up with his trip to Mars? If you want to find that out, please visit our shop.

Hippo and his gang are back

I (Hippo) and my friends have been away for some time but now we are back from our great trips.
I left our planet for a while and was happy to be back home again. We all celebrated our reunion.

Then Middle-Sized Lamb took my Mini Hipper to visit her relatives at the end of the world.
Her story is so moving that we used up nearly all our tissues while listening to it.

Then I noticed that Giraffe was a little sad so I hired a blimp for her and she glided to the big city, which she had wanted so much to see. And, can you imagine? When she returned, she was ecstatic! No wonder why. You can check it out listening to and reading about her adventures.

All in all, there are three new stories waiting for you in our shop.