Hippo Talks about Himself

After the Mascot World Independent Media Channel interview, Hippo received a lot of questions about his private life. It took him a little time to think about the secrets he could share with his fans.

To think more clearly, he sometimes had to stand on his head. Although the world seemed upside down, Hippo’s mind worked better. So he had this idea to give a statement to everyone. About his age and some of his likes. You can find it in the video section. Come and see.
And read “Hippo the Traveller”.

Oh, by the way, some bird told us that Hippo is learning to play the guitar. You can expect a surprise soon !!!

Hippo the Traveller – sample

Looking for Lieutenant Columbo

“Hippo loved travelling. He also loved detective stories and his favourite detective was Lieutenant Columbo.
So one day Hippo got on a plane and flew to Colombo.”
If you want to learn what happened then, please visit our shop.

Who are Hippo stories for?

We hope our stories are universal and that not only little kids and their older brothers and sisters but also their parents and grandparents will find them interesting.

And you are lucky because some more stories are being written at this moment.
So, stay tuned for more Hippo stories.

How the Hippo stories came to life

Some time ago Giraffe visited me and said I should write my stories down.
Then a few days later, Middle-Sized Lamb and Little Lamb dropped in and I heard exactly the same story from them.
A couple of days passed and then at breakfast Hippa casually remarked on my friends’ visits. Then I knew there some plot behind it.

Now I am sure they want everyone to learn about their adventures so that they can all become famous. I guess they are a little vain. But so am I.

Besides, as their friend, I could not refuse.
So here comes the first story: Hippo the Traveller.

If you like the sample, write me at: hippo@hippostories.com and I can send you the whole story and a recording so that you can hear me reading (if English is not your native language, you can learn how to pronounce correctly).

What are Hippo stories like?

Sometimes my stories are joyful and sometimes they are sad but most of my stories are joyfully sad and sadly joyful.
In my stories, my gang and me have wonderful adventures. We travel to places which are far away or just next door. We are usually happy together and help one another. There are moments when we get a little annoyed with one another but on the whole we are great friends.

Hippo and his Gang

Hi. I’m Hippo.
Each of us has their own stories to tell.
Each of us needs listeners to their stories.
There are stories everywhere.
There are stories around us and inside us.
I like stories.
I like listening to the stories of others.
And I love telling my stories.
I usually tell my stories to Hippa, Giraffe, Middle-Sized Lamb and Little Lamb.
They say they like my stories.